Cloud Computing

If all or parts of your IT infrastructure (e.g. server, network, data storage, software) are outsourced to external service providers rather than run on site, a cloud service could be the ideal solution for you. Instead of being operated on your clients’ premises, applications and data are hosted remotely by the service provider’s data centre.

In-depth information about cloud computing is available here:

Virtual Desktop
A virtual desktop provides your staff with secure access to their individual areas of work at any time and from any location, no matter whether they are working on site or on the move.

IP telephony uses an IP data network to provide company-wide voice communications with no need for a separate PBX or a dedicated voice network.
IP telephony makes it possible to combine data, voice and image data communications in a single network. This helps reduce capital costs, simplifies maintenance and configuration processes and allows for greater integration of remote sites and branches into the company’s networks.

‘Software as a service’ (SaaS) can be described as a subcategory of cloud computing. It involves an application (software) and the required IT infrastructure being run by an external provider and used by clients via a web browser (in typical cases). This means that clients do not have to bear the costs of hardware, software licences, backups and operation.

Massgeschneiderte Standardlösungen

Von Standard bis erhöhte Privatsphäre und/oder Sicherheit

Alle Produkte bietet bloosite in 3 Versionen an:
  1. Cloud: Web-basiert, Benutzername/Password und 2 Faktor
  2. Protected: Zugriff via VPN über das Firmen-Netzwerk
  3. Private: Kunden-spezifische Infrastruktur




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